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Integrative Abdominal Healing


Understanding the goals of each client, the session is approached from multiple perspectives and energy levels (body, mind, spirit) moving the client toward balance. Moira facilitates each session to engage with and listen to your system, allowing your inner healer to emerge forth and bring about movement, light, healing, and awareness where needed. Moira's integrated approach cultivates mindfulness and a stronger relationship with one's authentic self, center, and body.  


Each session is unique and various techniques may be used, including therapeutic bodywork (myofascial release, circulatory massage, relaxation massage, visceral manipulation, Thai Abdominal Massage, and Maya Abdominal Therapy), spiritual healing, spiritual coaching, visualization, sound healing, crystals, fire or water cleansing, essential oils, and conscious dialogue. A session may have more of a physical component or more of an energetic component, depending on your system's needs. The only requirement is to be open to your own ability to heal. 


For the first session, you should manage 2 hours, $230, for the following:

 - Review of personal history & intent for the session

 - Integrative Abdominal Healing 

 - We'll talk about the session as a reflection and a study in addition to recommendations for self-care and reflection.



Your belly is a deep reservoir of wonder and functionality. The abdominal area performs many physical functions—from digesting and absorbing the nutrients from food, to aiding in respiration, to holding and protecting most of your internal organs that do the work of reproducing, filtering, processing, and more; to helping you hold up your skeletal system and keep you in proper posture and form. But that is only the beginning of what your abdomen does. It also helps you digest and process your emotions, aids in holding/safe-keeping emotions that you can't yet process (you’re simply not ready to), it connects with all twelve of the major meridians (Traditional Chinese Medicine), the lower/first three chakras are located in your abdomen, and your Vagus Nerve, now known to have a significant sympathetic relationship with your nervous system, innervates through the belly. 


Your belly is a profound and sacred part of your body. It does so much for you. So when restrictions happen—which may be due to surgery, injury, trauma, or emotional holding—the imbalance that is created in the belly can affect the whole of your being. You may notice symptoms such as digestive issues, menstruation issues, shallow breathing, or other abdominal or pelvic issues or pain. Other symptoms that may not be so obvious include not feeling centered, being unable to get or keep yourself grounded, feeling oddly dizzy, finding yourself holding your breath, experiencing constant fatigue, and noticing a lack of creativity. Moira’s integrative approach explores the deep tissues of the belly and pelvis in a gentle, yet deep and profound way, which will allow you the safe space to experience, explore, and heal the imbalances you may have within your abdomen.


What to Expect from an Initial Abdominal Session

For the initial session, you should manage 2 hours for the following: 

 - Comprehensive review of personal history & health care goals

 - Abdominal massage will vary depending on the issue presented

 - Additional complementary techniques according to individual need (e.g., energy work, use of essential oils, sound healing, etc.)

 - Instruction in self-care techniques and personal questions to support our work

 - Herbal remedies and other natural products may be suggested to enhance the effect of the treatment or may be indicated based on personal history and health care goals.


Follow-Up Sessions

Follow-up care depends on individual goals and results. Typically, 3–4 sessions within a 2–3 month time span is the minimal number of sessions needed to see effective results. This work is a partnership; we will work together to ensure your individual health care goals. This partnership requires your active participation in your health though self-care tools, and dietary and lifestyle changes. If you do not feel that you can fully participate in this partnership then this may not be the right mode of bodywork for you.   


When should I not receive Abdominal Massage?

Contraindications for this treatment: Massage over the uterus is not recommended during menses or when an IUD is present. Massage over the rest of the abdomen is not recommended immediately after abdominal surgery, or if an active inflammation, infection, or cancer is present.


Techniques Used in Abdominal Massage


Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy (ATMAT) (a specific form of Maya Abdominal Massage) - the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage are founded on the ancient Mayan technique of abdominal massage which is an external, non-invasive manipulation that repositions the internal organs of the belly and pelvis that have shifted, thereby restricting the flow of blood, lymph, nerve conductivity, and chi. 


Thai Abdominal Massage - Thai Abdominal Massage, as taught by Felicity Joy, is based upon traditional Thai women's abdominal massage. It cleans and stimulates the organs of digestion, and on a deeper level, works with the blood and lymph systems by flushing the organs. It improves the energy flow of the whole body by releasing blocks to stimulate flow and health.


Visceral Manipulation - Using light touch and gentle unwinding of the organs associated with digestion.


Myofascial Release - Softening of the connective fascia of the torso, belly, and pelvis, as well as reducing restriction from scars and abdominal adhesions.  


Most common symptoms relieved by abdominal massage:

Headaches / dizziness with menses

Lower-back ache

Sadness and low vitality

Hormonal imbalances

Tired/achy/antsy legs

Chronic indigestion

Gas above and below (diet changes)

Diarrhea and constipation

IBS or Colitis (non-acute)

Abdominal adhesions, interior and exterior


PMS - Painful, irregular, or no menses

Dark, thick fluids at onset & end of menses

Menstrual blood clots

Uterine infections 


Prolapsed organs in the pelvis

Frequent urination

Pudendal nerve entrapment

Painful intercourse

Prostate swelling and inflammation

Impotency problems


Abdominal massage can be a great complementary care choice when working with the following conditions:







After a Session

After any session, I suggest you be gentle with yourself and drink plenty of water. The session itself is only one aspect of the healing work involved: You’ll notice that the healing done, and changes made, during the session will continue to unweave the old patterns and release/shift stuck places over the next days, weeks, and even months. It is your work to stay present and compassionate with yourself as these energies within you continue to unweave and then reweave into new patterns. The choices you make and the mindfulness you keep will determine how those new patterns get created and what they become.


Every session is different and variations in these formats often come through. My role is to hold the field for whatever medicine is needed for your highest good. The results will vary with each person and each session, and are always reflective of your present challenges and session intent.

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